Re: Trump’s Deficits Are Racing Past Obomba’s

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Oct 14 22:04:16 PDT 2020

> there's no reason to do that.

Either you are comparing fair dollars or you're not.
No shit FDR (the Democrats temple god and bed buddy)
did inflation and maybe spent $1 on some new illness
that did not hit some prior Presidency.
But that is a twist over the original posted question and you know it.

> the 'democratic party' played a huge role in all US crimes.

Since its start in what 1824, about 50% in all crimes.
If govts crime laws were just, both 50's would be arrested.
Better call Prosecutor Kamala, she's sure to arrest
everyone on all sides, or call AG Barr, or whoever...
good luck with that, lol.

> I want to try not-trump
> because of

Nobody stops you but NAP. No law can stop murder, one
cannot legislate those "because of" philosophies, only teach them.
Else you do not have Libertarian Voluntary Anarchy Natural Law Freedom
but instead created more contrived force over people, which will
be turned and used to stop you some day in way you do not like.

Note that Libertarian is "for" women and men equal, environment
as teaching about non-particulate/toxic air water cancer does input
to and freely moves economics, "community power" if force over others
is wrong, but refusing to buy from "rich" is free choice, same for
subscribing yourself to whatever persons and groups you want
to perform your "social justice" over you and your voluntary social
communes, provided you don't force your vision for "justice"
over other harmless or equally freely associated peoples.

> The left had to struggle a lot to defend our immigrant friends during these
> years, and we mostly lost that battle, seeing people we cared about in
> tears as they lost their families.

Unspecified details... appears to be crying over countries deporting "illegal"
migrants, since "legal" "immigrants" do not involuntarily "lost their families".
If some people are trying to "immigrate" into some shithole, or by
some methods, that they know will be problem, or did not research laws
and actions, or did not follow right ways for whichever place, that's on them.
Cannot claim that proper immigrant A "lost" their improperly
immigrating family B. Or that C and D didn't know chance
exist that one of C or D might not be approved.
And why is A choosing to stay in the shithole causing B to cry,
when both A and B can go someplace else, or back together...
very few immigrations are for asylum cases to avoiding actual
death or prisonment.

Don't try to say that if bin Laden, or one your relatives, immigrates
to Taiwan that they gets to bring in their entire family, immediate
and extant DNA tree, and all future children... because crying.

Of course immigration "laws" of all countries suck.

"Voting" "left" or "right" will not solve problems of "laws",
only whatever choices are further away from authoritarian
on the authoritarian-libertarian line can do that.

Rolling out and entrenching a bunch of forceful new laws
and their huge programs is authoritarian, not libertarian.

Left is not solving any problem there, nor is Right positioned
much further on than Left.

> I imagine we cause something similar

If "we" means the "left" or any govt anywhere,
they're already forcing themselves on top of other guys
with their stupid "democracy" scam, no imagination necessary.

> all the votes were pretty much landslides because we had all come to agreement, before we voted.

If all did, then you did not need to vote. Not all did.

You only voted to force the last remaining free and harmless
holdouts to do what you told them, ultimately upon force of death
if they were to resist your commands, to preserve their freedom.

You could be referring to some "we" group that all mutually explicitly
and voluntarily contracted to each other, but you did not specify that.

And absolutely NO extant government or populace
or democracy in the world past or present has ever
met that high voluntary standard. Let alone tried to
free themselves to sobriety from using intoxicating force.

Zen is right that all are born into such slaveries.

The challenge for all humanity is to revolt their way out.
The revolution takes place in ones mind.

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