USA 2020 Elections: Thread

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Oct 7 16:47:57 PDT 2020

On 10/7/20, Karl <gmkarl at> wrote:
>>> The White Man Behind Black Lives Matter
>>> Secret Origins of BLM

>> Venezuela Nicolas Maduro and BLM Opal Tometi... pic: Communist Love

> Why in God's name do you guys spend so much time trying to bash the
> reputations of people who believe they are sticking up for the weak?

Many times whatever the people "believe" they
are doing is opposite from what they *are* doing,
which typically ultimately amounts to forcing you, a harmless
human being, to do what they say upon threat of death.

The only weak are the result of believing the mind programming
bullshit fed to them telling them (and their fake defenders) that
they are weak. Stop eating and believing the bullshit, wake up
to at least one of many ways how that has worked to fuck you
and everyone over... Larken Rose - The Tiny Dot

> What about the people who want to work _with_ everyone else, not against
> them?

Because until "the people who want to work with everyone else"
realize, along with "everyone else" (who should ignore the former),
that their idea of "working with everyone else" typically means
their ruling over, oppression, theft, enslavement and murder of
"everyone else"... those people can all eat shit.

And until then, it cannot be denied that ongoing actions to truthfully
"bash" resulting in removal of the worst breadth and depth entrenching
offenders, allows room for a range of things closer to and including
perhaps even hopefully non-offense to develop over time.

Allowing the embedment of colossus breadth and depth of Socialism,
Communism, Programs, Marxism etc, Globalized Worldwide Normalized
"Democracy" "Democracies" "Democratic Instantiates" (aka: Distributed
hard to kill form of Totalitarian Ruler)... whatever the flavor of
instead of creating more actual freedom... is a horrible suppression and
erasure of "everyones" freedom and diversity.

To wit, among other things: their penchant to erase history and
censor free speech... both being potent forms of Mind Control.
re thread: Largely only the Democrat Left has been doing that en
masse effect in 2020 across physical, media, and digital worlds.
That's really bad.

Some regions and the world will shift through various actions,
support, debate, and inactions as may be fitting, and at various
speeds... closer to libertarian / voluntary / anarchism.

You don't need Maduro or Ometi to order you what to do, or to
"stick up for you", and you sure as fuck don't need the USA
Democrats Left or their weak Biden puppet either.

With luck, Religion wont be the only thing that comes
to the internet to die...

By whatever means necessary and suits...


... then you can figure out what to do with whatever
sharks remain in the swimming pool.

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