the pornography thing -- Re: Up Front Discussion

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Wed Jun 17 18:54:57 PDT 2020

Your inability to read gets a bit silly.

Your deceptions may be useful however to draw attention to who said what where, so possibly actually useful trolling in that sense, but I suspect most don't bother checking.

In any case, Kenya's calling...

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 05:04:40PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> 	hey harkness, so now you're an anti-porn-crusader too, you worthless piece of shit? 
> 	notice that as a brain-dead trumpo-fascist you're the number one cocksuker of the jews. So one wonders if you're infinitely stupid, infinitely dishonest, or both. 
> 	also notice that the only thing the jews produce is hollywood war propaganda, not porn. Then again, one can't expect your JEW-fascist propaganda to even make half sense...
> 	"There is now overwhelming scientific evidence that Internet porn addiction is an epidemic" 
> 	yep, you've reached your final category. 

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