Decrypt: US government is getting serious about tracking crypto

jamesd at jamesd at
Wed Jul 29 20:01:37 PDT 2020

On 2020-07-16 08:17, jim bell wrote:
> Decrypt: US government is getting serious about tracking crypto.

Ssh is widely used by everyone.  You use it for remote file managers
like Filezilla, for git, and to control every server on the cloud.

So, they cannot track it because too many false positives.

If you are running a little club plotting to overthrow the state, you
create a pile of documents only accessible to people who have secret
keys that you have told your server to accept, and a webserver only
accessible through ssh port forwarding, and the government can track it
all they like, but it is indistinguishable from a thousand servers
keeping business related information private.

You can do a private vpn that passes information through the great
Chinese firewall over ssh. The chinese cannot stop ssh, because too many
people need it and use it.  What they do instead is put state sponsored
malware on people's computers, which is detectable.  They have to expose
their attack, making possible defensive measures.

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