recommendation for offline Markdown renderer (for GitHub .md)?

Shawn K. Quinn skquinn at
Sun Jul 5 15:04:15 PDT 2020

On 7/5/20 16:51, jamesd at wrote:
> I use Visual Studio Code with the markdown addon.
> But precisely because most people cannot read *.md files off line, and
> they tend to get distributed as part of the project, hence in practice
> read offline, I write in html.
> It is less readable than markdown, but more universal, and after you get
> used to it, it is OK.
> Trouble is that you frequently make errors in html, so you need tidy.  I
> have a batch file that runs tidy on all my offline html files to check
> for html5 compliance.  Any time I edit an html file, there is usually an
> error - it is harder to write correct markup than correct markdown.

Markdown was originally written with the idea of being converted to HTML
easily when needed. If GitHub has screwed it up to the point where this
is no longer possible, then I'd say its implementation of Markdown has

Somewhere, GitHub should have published its code for converting to/from
its Markdown variant, I would think. If they didn't, then that's a
pretty big "oops" on them.

Shawn K. Quinn <skquinn at>

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