Only one possible solution

Ryan Carboni ryacko at
Mon Jan 13 13:06:40 PST 2020

I may only have a passing familiarity with the concept of American
democracy limited to what I've read in my school textbooks and
wikipedia, but I'm pretty sure having sex with the right people does
not mean you get a get out of jail free card for ... well

I am reminded of the time I was perusing 4chan as I infrequently do
and there was a short video of deep fake Hillary Clinton on a guy
wearing bondage gear.

Yes... bait: like this really happens (knowing full well it does).
Then progress to saying pedophilia is just being thrown around. Why
make a big deal of pedophilia if all the lesser misdeeds can result in
removal from a job? (Gamergate was the strangest conflation of ethics
in gaming journalism with jilted lovers)

This is totally ludicrous, at least all the blackmail victims could
just close ranks and deny if they weren't all repeat offenders. And so
the world leans on a precipice as everyone in charge has a time
preference of about ten minutes or less.

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