The Aryan stock is bound to triumph!

Zigger the N.gger ziggerjoe at
Fri Jan 3 03:50:14 PST 2020

On Fri, Jan 03, 2020 at 06:05:10AM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:

Notwithstanding the crimes and stupidity of the past, in the present
we have government mandated "massive immigration" of Muslims from
countries and areas known to foster suicide bombers, disdain for
Western ways (such as Women wearing attractive and minimal, sexually
suggestive clothing in public), and various consequences, for us (in
the West) as a result of all this.

Some cultures are simply not compatible.

Forced miscegenation is, at least for us in Western nations, evidence
of destructive intentions upon the people of the West.

I oppose such destructive intentions.

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