Anglin: "A man of my age should .. not driven by things like “because it’s the right thing to do.”" - [PEACE]

Zog the W.g ziggerjoe at
Wed Feb 12 18:21:57 PST 2020

A little honest self analysis from everybody's fav Amblin Memer.  Oh, and an analysis of Patrick Hogan while he's at it :D

  Let’s Psychoanalyze Patrick Hogan!

    ...  But even saying “you mad” is a form of analyzing psychological motives. It isn’t “psychoanalysis” because it is obvious.

    ...  An honest psychoanalysis of myself would reveal primarily stunted adolescent traits:

      - I’m romantic, in an adolescent way. I feel that fighting against injustice and oppression is something that should be done because it is the right thing to do, in a way that is mildly sappy and self-indulgent. A man of my age should be a lot more jaded, and not driven by things like “because it’s the right thing to do.”

      - I’m rebellious and self-destructive, as well as outwardly destructive, in an adolescent way. My image of myself is based in some significant part on my willingness to do things that other people wouldn’t dream of doing, and laughing at the consequences. I have a sadistic and destructive sense of humor, and I believe that all suffering ultimately amounts to the universe laughing at you. And because it is only appropriate that a psychoanalysis should contain something sexual: part of the rebelliousness was probably amplified by a need to stand out to women in high school, given that I was relatively short. However, it was there before that (and I wasn’t relatively short until high school). Of course, any form of performative male rebelliousness is (probably primarily) a sexual strategy, and performative rebelliousness is not a trait exclusive to short people. To whatever extent mine is unique, it probably has more to do with the way I reacted to my parents’ divorce (and yes, of course I blame Jews for my parents’ divorce).

      - I’m especially prone to religiosity (see adolescent romanticism and self-destructiveness).

    ... You would find a lot of left-wing people who have a similar psychological profile. Due to lesser intelligence, they believe that they, as rebellious individuals, should be fighting Donald Trump’s fascism and romantic people should be defending the human rights of Somalian refugees.

    And before someone says “OMG you just put your entire psychological profile on the internet!” – it’s all available here, every day, in the text of this site, for anyone who is interested. All I’ve done just now is demonstrate that I’m aware of it.

    So, let’s move on to Patrick Hogan.

    ... Most aspects of this pitiful man are not interesting. He is a normal white guy who in previous times would have been a farmer or a factory worker, but his soul has been crushed by modernity.  He is the epitome of the ideal form of what Jews want us all to be, and that is why he is interesting to me. He is an impotent, fat, weak, spineless coward who believes what he’s supposed to believe, watches what he’s supposed to watch, says what he’s supposed to say, and thinks what he’s supposed to think.

      - He has never been intimate with a woman and is too much of a coward to fly to Southeast Asia and have sex with hookers. He justifies his fear with white knight bullshit about “exploitation,” even while he has no problem basing his entire sexual psychology around pornography. He has a favorite porn star that he imagines is his girlfriend. He has weird sexual fetishes which may include being a furry.

[ Be sure not to miss the gripping elided parts :D --- nah, go on, demonstrate your superior restraint ability and do NOT read the original :D ]

[ In the very least, the paragraph beginning "There is no one on Earth ..." may find your moment worthwhile :P ]

TDS needs coin, muffas..

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