Fwd: [Cryptography] Bitcoin is a disaster.

professor rat pro2rat at yahoo.com.au
Wed Dec 30 01:00:32 PST 2020

Btc can justify its electricity use 'enough' to rationalize its unique POW existence. Ditto its decentralization ( as opposed to the c-punk, distributed ideal ) Closing it down now - were it possible - would only guarantee a more distributed replacement - look what happened to Silk Road. 
Then individuals have stashed $8.7 trillion in tax havens - there’s no huge political constituency dedicated to stopping that - and idiots - like that dingbat eunuch-moron, honky-Kraken-rider, Bob Hettinga - keep querying Btc’s value proposition. Jesus Fucking Christie.

Whats wrong with all the Trumpofascist morons on this list? You miss out?

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