Judging Jacob Appelbaum

Karl gmkarl at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 17:49:48 PST 2020

On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 8:30 PM professor rat <pro2rat at yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> "... I make the error of blaming people.  It is always an error, whoever makes it..."
> This your version of original sin?

> Jesus Fucking Christ.
> An alien federation of intelligent species may decide we can be blamed for runaway population-growth and that would be an error...how, exactly?
? population growth is caused by sex urge in an environment where
survival needs are in excess of what one's ancestors had.  your family
urge hasn't adjusted for your new environment yet, and your science
hasn't had time to realise how dangerous that is for real.  I'm a
human being, not an alien federation.

> If they judge us all on Elon Musk then we're doomed.

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