NAZI MORON's like Gramps, Batshit and Zendy all need killing. I will pay 200$ each.

Karl gmkarl at
Mon Dec 7 03:24:58 PST 2020

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 6:14 AM professor rat <pro2rat at> wrote:
> " FASCISM is not to be debated - it is to be smashed "

Welcome to our anarchism business!  We are having two meetings right
now.  You can get involved in either, but please stop encouraging
everybody to go to the wrong one.

Meeting 1: Is what we are doing a good thing?  What would be even better?
Meeting 2: Doing work on what we have already decided together to do.

People get mad when people are sent to the wrong meeting.

In an anarchist action group, everyone has already decided to "smash"
"fascism" by building a community well.  We are interested in doing
other things, only if people can show that they are _actually_ better
things to do.  Elsewhere, in a meeting to that purpose, with people
who like to talk about decisions instead building wells.  Everybody in
the anarchist meeting has already agreed to "smash" "fascism" by
building a well, so debating it is moved into another meeting.

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