Censorship: Cancel Culture

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 01:47:59 PDT 2020

> https://uncensored.debian.community/
> https://danielpocock.com/debian-falsified-harassment-claims-appelbaum-expulsion/

The attack statements from all of these organizations include
monotonous texts about Codes of Conduct. None of them comment on how
potential victims can seek support from people qualified to assist
victims of crime. None of them remind people that the accused is
innocent until proven guilty by a competent tribunal.
If I hadn't already resigned from my role in Debian, I would do so
now. It is completely inexcusable that people in leadership positions
can set up a kangaroo court, falsify evidence and hide their conflicts
of interest when dealing with such a serious matter.

>>> Action: Separation, Type: Forced, Status: Final

It's always been rather clear that many people
(from among the set of those not named Jacob Appelbaum)
needed to be separated from their various projects
for various reasons long ago, and still do.

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