Biden wins in 2020! - Yeah baby - Re: welcome your new president to be - Biden on guns - Re: Militia, law, impressment, guns, history

grarpamp grarpamp at
Thu Apr 30 22:39:57 PDT 2020


"Believe all women, metoo, manhating femnazi SJW, rape rape raep"

"Hey let's all suck Biden's grizzled cock so we can be VP and
get poitical power appointments, fat appropriations checks,
seats on Supremely Fake Courts, Parliaments, con and confiscate
the final check and balance of arms from worlds people, and
rape and do what we want forced on top of you, etc..."

Such politic shiftery shitfuckery nothing new, just bolder, optimized
via 2.0 AI.
Typical endless example of the utter bullshit, sellout, sell you out,
propaganda mind control,
destruction, oppression, slavery etc that is unfixable inherent nature
of government.
People glued to their TV, snared enraptured and corrupted by and unto
political agentry.
Straight up unabashed mind control, globalized, harvesting of the
masses, worse every year.
Only way out to sanity for humanity is to end all government worldwide.

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