more lies from agent snowden

grarpamp grarpamp at
Sat Sep 21 10:36:12 PDT 2019

> 	"The United States has a census, too, of course. The Constitution
> established the American census and enshrined it as the official federal
> count of each state’s population in order to determine its proportional
> delegation to the House of Representatives. That was something of a
> revisionist principle, in that authoritarian governments, including the
> British monarchy that ruled the colonies, had traditionally used the census

> as a method of assessing taxes and ascertaining the number of young men
> eligible for military conscription.

Which are both what the "American census" helps mechanism
with putting its delegation of numerous "representatives" in office.

> It was the Constitution’s genius to
> repurpose what had been a mechanism of oppression into one of democracy."

Democracy = feelgood distributed King = King = Oppression

It's the scammy feelgood distributed part that has
gotten away with masking the oppression for so long.

> the 'genius' of the
> americunt cunstitution and pretending to be morally superior to the english
> cunts - priceless.'_Revolt

But where is the cunt talk on below?

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