Libertarian Economic Logic (chart attached)

jamesd at jamesd at
Wed Sep 18 23:08:09 PDT 2019

On 2019-09-19 06:54, Razer wrote:
> Exactly. Workers don't need the boss. 

Let me tell you a story about NASA.

The Nazis kidnapped Wernher von Braun from the rocket club, and put him 
in charge of building rockets.

Then the Americans kidnapped Wernher von Braun from the Nazis and gave 
him to what became NASA, and NASA asked him how to build rockets. And 
NASA built rockets, but their rockets *still* did not work.

So, they put him in charge, and *then* their rockets worked.

And eventually he retired, and then their rockets gradually stopped 
working.  Rockets stagnated and declined, until Musk started building 

Similarly everything electronic contains transistors.  Shockley wrote 
the book on transistors, and I suppose everyone in the business read the 
book, but somehow, in practice, every transistor everywhere in the world 
is built by an engineer who learned how to build transistors working 
under an engineer who learned how to build transistors working under 
.... an engineer who learned how to build transistors working in 
Shockley's company under Shockley.

You cannot even make a pencil, unless the boss provides you with tools 
and materials and tells you how to use those tools and materials.  You 
can no more make a pencil than you can make a rocket.

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