Puri.sm Librem 5 Phone Ships, Pine64 Pinephone Coming, Linux and BSD Phones

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 00:48:43 PDT 2019

On 9/30/19, Punk <punks at tfwno.gf> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Sep 2019 11:39:45 -0700
> "Kurt Buff - GSEC, GCIH" <kurt.buff at gmail.com> wrote:
>> https://medium.com/@thegrugq/secured-android-smartphone-32b28ae3fbd8
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel_3a
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GrapheneOS

grugq at comae.com

> 	" Hardware: Google Pixel 3a - Boot loader: Google’s boot loader. Locked."
> 	what a pathetically stupid scam - then again 'secure' and 'android' are
> mutually exclusive terms. but wait, it gets better
> 	"Actual cost to produce one unit: $900"
> 	WHAHAHAHA - so a piece of shit google-nsa phone costs 50% more than a
> purism phone.

Correct. Expensive, closed HW chips all over inside,
closed SW FW and blobs, closed Qualcomm Baseband SOC,
closed garbage. Not even an attempt at being
more #Open. These Gigacorp$ could switch #Open in
a day, but they won't, because they're hiding somethings
from you.

A phone, your phone, all locked up and impenetrable to
incompetents other than yourself... sounds like great idea...

Until you realize that all the HW chips in the phone, all
its firmware and OS blobs, its baseband HW, the entire
baseband telephony network... all 100% completely closed
source, rooted and fully under the production and top secret control
of adversaries others than yourself... ie: Gov and Corp. That is Fail.
Just look at the secret SMS exploit through the SIM SOC released
this month.
That's not even talking exotic decapping and analysis tech,
just all the plain old backdoors and bugs in and left in just for you.

Test vectors are not exhaustive truth tables,
you simply cannot trust closed HW and SW, at all.

Yes you can run your silly vectors... your Graphenes BSD GPL
whatever SW... on it in fake news lockdown mode as in the
medium linked above.

But in the end (and at least as is somewhat more started
towards by the iteratively applied philosophy of those more
open HW movements linked in the OP subject thread, etc
ie: purposefully starting more open, turning profit to more open)...

You must start to redirect global cashflows around
that closed source problem towards #OpenHW that
you can see and own, top to bottom, from the moment
the silicon is sliced into wafers till the day you recycle
such of your retired devices in a vat of molten steel.

#OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenSW , #OpenBiz , #OpenAudits

That is how you build a truly "secured device".

Telling people to buy a Pixel / Intel / AMD / IBM / Etc
and throw an opensource vector on it isn't really helping much,
because the ultimate problem is the closed HW, not your
open vector test.

The above medium link does nothing but feed more money
to the major $BB+ closed HW incumbents, that continues to put
you in position on your knees begging before them to open up,
which they may, and history typically shows they will not,
do, ever, until you revolt.

You are wasting your collective time and money
begging the incumbents, including political ones.
It is cheaper and faster to build your own, while at the
same time infiltrating and disrupting slowing incumbents
from that angle.

At least Librem has assembled some smaller $MM
chips that could be bought out by open profit later on.
And is, among others, seriously dedicated to projecting

> "there is no ... market"

Self defeatist talk.

Of course open trust and security are in themselves
no market memes... you have to actually put and enable
running of #OpenSW on top of them, then you have
something you can sell.

Distrust is known to be in back of mind of everyone now, globally.

So open trust is something that all now quietly lust for and will be
immensely profitable to the first movers, and will completely
crack open and disrupt the closed markets.

Proof is that now all the major phone and CPU makers
are touting closed fake "trust" and profiting from it.

What do you think will happen when you are first to deliver
actual #OpenTrust ... those legacy old, obese, circlejerkers die.

> "I would very much love to produce and sell a proper secured HW"

As before, get your nutty millionaires billionaires and cryptos
and crowds together and build the truly #OpenFab under
24x7x365 all access open to the public #OpenAudit models.

Then you can print off all the open source secure #OpenHW
you want and at cost.

Including printing dirt cheap #OpenHW phone radios
and base stations that everyone on the planet can
plugin to their existing WAN connection, or their newly
printed P2P Guerrilla Fiber Wifi Meshnet connection,
and completely fucking overlay and replace the Legacy
Cellular Network Monopolies with your all new secure
distributed uncensorable solar powered... etc...

Are you starting to get the big picture?

It's doable within 20 years.
Start now.

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