Could someone add news of Cypherpunks Archive forgery to the Talk page of the Wikipedia Cypherpunks Article? +Journalists

grarpamp grarpamp at
Fri Nov 15 15:35:29 PST 2019

On 11/15/19, jim bell <jdb10987 at> wrote:
> this Cypherpunks Archive forgery?

As there have been too many messages over too
many broken threads etc on this for anyone to digest...

What is the current state of this, exactly?

1) Venona/Cryptome has entire month sized time gaps.
Have those gaps been proven malicious with evidence?
If so, what is it.

2) Jim asserts, and context of some messages in
Venona/Cryptome said to show, that Jim and or others
seem to have been posting on AP subject during
those gaps, somewhere on some fora / remailer.

Months long wholesale gaps could just be fuckups.
Certainly different than say obvious erasement
single scope targeting a topic / author.

So it seems you'd want to make a simple call for
more independant copies of the various fora with
attestations, to help form and answer any real question.

This is not to discount any questions that may exist.
Only to define the current state of the questions
so that people, journos, whoever, might have
something precise to try answering next.

People should present the current questions and any
evidence again, briefly, in one nice new thread or post,
so people can pick up and work on.

Not over 10+ threads, 50+ posts comprising 100 of pages of
longtalk, block quoting, top posting, HTML, sidetalk, rants, etc.

You should of course quote in that summary, any 1995
messages from people other than Jim that refer in context
to any suspected missing AP messages.

It would also be interesting if say 5 people stood up each
with a copy from a different remailer, and none had the
suspected AP messages in them.

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