Could someone add news of Cypherpunks Archive forgery to the Talk page of the Wikipedia Cypherpunks Article? +Journalists

grarpamp grarpamp at
Tue Nov 12 00:07:30 PST 2019

On 11/12/19, Punk-Stasi 2.0 <punks at> wrote:
> 	maybe watch this video?
> 	that's ryan lackey talking about

About his nice long deep employment with CloudFlare?

Now he's talking a lot about blockchain "Governance"
through "voting" PoS as CSO for Tezos which is "capable
of modifying its own set of rules with minimal disruption
to the network through an on-chain governance model."

How far or easily could such rule modifications go?
To censoring and or seizing "bad political" speech AP addresses?
Versus other cryptocurrency blockchain models that resist
or would take longer or be harder or nearly impossible to do that?

To be fair, one would have to check such
potentials against at least some sources...

Further, all sorts of adversarial reviews should be
performed against all blockchains. So little of that
is being done in the global race to have the slickest most
easily shillable and investible onesheets and whitepapers.

> 	he mentions AP as part of the 'bad politics' of the list...

Such words could perhaps be throwing FUD at both free speech
and at different new ideas and change for the world. To be fair,
the context should be reviewed.

> 	"I ran one of the first mailing archives for this...which became really
> interesting legally later" (whatever that means...)

And if his archive is shown via comparison with other archives
to have holes in it... were they perhaps caused by [extra]legal
interactions? Volunteership? Bias? Something completely
mundane and innocent?

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