Hero Time - Michelle Malkin +1s "America First" - Shapiro humiliated - Conservative Legends in the Malking :) - [PEACE]

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Thu Nov 7 23:57:31 PST 2019

No one 'members Hammer Time, so absolutely NO ONE will have this
one sneaky little tune going through their heads nor feet tappin
in a sync-o-pated rhythm:

  Daa, da da dup .. da dup .. da dup,
  Groyper time!

  U, S S Li .. ber ty .. hap-pened,
  Groyper time!

Soap, vat did you say to me?

  Break it down ... I said

  Gorka und de Orcas, zey are down fo ze count!

  Cyclops Dan the Israel man, take no Christian Questions no not one!

  Groyper army are the true trolls, not "Con"servative Inc fails,

  With Hero Malkin making heros of the Young US hu-waite males!

Boo yah muffas :)  Michelle Malkin grabbin 'em by da groyp  :D

  Groyper War: Michelle Malkin Goes All in for the Groyp

  ... mainstream people are getting on board, because we’re where the
  action is, we’ve got the momentum, we’ve got God on our side ...

    Young nationalists are smeared as "racists" by both establishment
    Left & Swamp Right for challenging GOP #openbordersinc schemes
    like #S386. Silicon Valley/Chamber of Commerce are driving this
    bus over American grads' hopes & dreams. College students need to
    know the truth. https://t.co/Xu99TxCSat
    — Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 7, 2019

    ... @michellemalkin on Immigration & the Battle Between America
    First Conservatives vs. Open Borders Republicans

    "There are many young & very intelligent & sharp nationalists
    that are challenging Charlie Kirk & some other members of the
    Open Borders Lobby in the Republican Party"
    — The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) November 7, 2019

  ... The sweating bag of sleeze juice and “raper of memes” Paul
  Joseph Watson can come out with “oh well, I love the Jews and
  Israel, but free speech and immigration tho.”

  But most of these people do not have that option. All their money
  is Jewish money.

  But they also know:

  Someone is going to get big off of this. And a lot of people are
  going to go down in flames with the conservative, inc. ship. Their
  careers will be destroyed, as they try to go up there and shill for
  foreign interests and just get shouted down, mocked and humiliated.

Funny of funnies - beady eyed Ben Shapiro-Jew (sounds Japanese -
Shapiroju :) spent, get this, his entire Stanford U evening talk,
last night talking about Nick Fuentes!


Ben Shapiro, the one thing, the only thing, the single absolute one
and only bloody thing you MUST NOT DO is actually debate Nick Fuentes


So whaddaya do instead? Why, just talk about your him
incessantly instead, to try to head off the endless Groyper
questions ... I guess? ... ??

Funny as bro, knockout own goals like ya never saw before :D

Because when you say "oh Nick Fuentes is an evil holohoax denier
because 15 years ago he laughed at a joke about the cookie monster
baking a few (possibly could have been six million) cookies, so he's
such an evil Nazi I will not debate him", you've really delivered a
knockout blow to young millenials who will never see through your
thin rouse.

<snort> <snigger>  <snigger snort>

    It takes a big man for Ben Shapiro to order his employees to
    attack me, use his twitter account to smear me, and then give a
    speech strawmanning all my arguments and calling me out by name
    while NEVER engaging with me in a conversation or debate.
    — Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) November 8, 2019

Now -that's- humiliating - Shapiro such a fast talker, I expected him
to last more than -one- evening.  Come on AIPAC "Our Greatest Ally" -
-Surely- you can do better than Shapiro?

Dang dude, comedy hour is hotting up - didn't think it could get
better than the Groyp's early week rout-fest - but dems the cookie
crumblin' muffas :D :D D: :D  <really indulgent -snort- kinda snort>

But remember mug grits, sniggering is unbecoming of a conservative
groyper, so behave - keep it to noice, clean, clean and noice
questions :)

  Groyper War: Ben Shapiro Gives Long Speech About Nick Fuentes

Did I mention "nice questions?"

LISTEN UP MUFFAS - TACTIC TIME - since Conservative (TP-USA) Inc is
literally now screening -every- -single- questioner ("what is your
question ma'am/ sir - we just need to make sure you're not a

  Have a FAKE question, to get through SCREENing,

  and have your REAL question, when you get the microphone.

 <sad Joke lightens up a little>

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