The Dark Overlord: Law Enforcement is Fucked v9.11

Winter-chan readyforwinter at
Thu Jan 3 08:48:00 PST 2019

General Info:

thedarkoverlord: a hacking group that has done a couple of minor
breaches with major media and intel agency attention. Probable Limited
Hangout Operation. Considering their main advertisers are intelligence
agencies they are likely assets/fronts of those intelligence agencies.
Add to that the longwinded articles and referring to themselves as a
“Professional Adversarial Threat Group” which is intelligence community

GCHQ notice:

FBI notice:

Motherboard profile:

Washington Post article:

Commercial insurance hack:

Billings Gazette article:

Flathead Beacon article that reports Senator Daines asking FBI director
Wray about them:

Bragging interview:

Older hacks:


Press release:

“Signed message” for 4chan thread:

"Official" Twitter account:

They list their parent company as World Wide Web, LLC. Two such
companies exist.

Hawaii: Defunct computer consultant that is now a click farm website.


Torrent URL:

PGP Key:

Email address:
>tdohackers at

Backup1 Email address:
>thedarkoverlord at

Backup2 Email address:
>thedarkoverlord at torbox3uiot6wchz.onion

Unlisted/Defunct Email address:
>michael.rooler at

Possible Michael Rooler(s)

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