Cryptocurrency: Scaling, Privacy [re: on whatever...]

grarpamp grarpamp at
Sun Dec 15 02:51:44 PST 2019

On 12/14/19, Punk-Stasi 2.0 <punks at> wrote:
> 	haha - arbitrarily...

BTC is arbitrarily choking down their blocksize, haha
is that it will still grow unbounded, then there is...
youtube: lightning network sucks
search: corporation problems

A few more good innovations by some other coins, from
better groups, a transfer of faith... and BTC is done in.

Regardless, coins are really hard to do right,
and it's probably still too early to know for
sure what right is likely to end up looking like.

> 100mbytes blocks.

that's 100MB... every 10min = 167kbps, no problem.
And if it was problem, light clients query out spv-like
services, could add in a sizable dht cloud too.

> 	Current size of bitcoin's blockchain is 270gbytes. Downloading and
> processing that amount of data is not trivial. Only some people in the so
> called 'developed' world can do it.

Every house does not have a well, nor LAN, they
pool together to build and share, cafe coop, etc then
won't even have to wait 25 days at a lowly 1Mbps.
If situation is so bad, gold and silver or whatever
else they like that is sound and diverse is fine too.
Crypto is more in mutually complement friend with
metals than in any sort of competition.

> 	Now, what if blocks are a hundred times bigger? In that case you get 5
> terabytes PER YEAR.

It has already been suggested that storing entire blockchains, certainly
for any sole function pure currency chain, since their genesis...
is a legacy first gen tech thought, and quite silly idea to keep doing.
a) they can be sharded signed and distributed out to query trees,
doesn't solve things long term.
b) utxo can be flag cutover coinbase input to empty chain, very unlikely.
c) chain protocols will evolve to effectively consensus mine
a utxo database, hashed checkpoint series, etc thereby
allowing tx's and blocks to be thrown away after the series
becomes too confirmed and locked to mine a different one.

Storage becomes mooted, the lingering limitation seems
to be estimating bandwidth the processing participants

> data center

Certainly not under todays models of a few fake audited centralized
closed corrupt wannabe govbankster crypto corporations.
Under a well distributed standardized 24x365 walk in publicly
auditable opensource etc etc... maybe. And even that should
be tried to be designed out if at all possible.

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