Some people have unbelievable lives

Ryan Carboni ryacko at
Sat Dec 14 00:05:51 PST 2019

In contrast to the public conception of "conspiracy theory", the links
uncovered by parapolitical research are rarely lines of command.
Parapolitical activity is not pyramidal like a government hierarchy;
it is connective, a network of nodes like a circle of friends. The
links between the nodes are lines of support arising not from a
command structure, but from a community of interest, shared objectives
and interlocking memberships. Individual groups do not so much set the
agenda or run the show as act within their own sphere of influence or
speciality, occasionally supporting actions taken by others. Many are
isolated and have little impact outside their own country, and here
the Cercle came into its own as a group with a world-wide agenda,
connecting and, to some extent, coordinating the activities of groups
in many different countries. The Cercle complex stands almost alone as
an active international network linking intelligence veterans and
their media manipulators to top right-wing politicians. As to its
significance, one can do no better than to quote Ramsay and Dorril:
"One of the conclusions to be drawn from this essay is about networks.
One common response to the delineation of a network is to say, 'Yes,
all that is interesting, but where is the actual transmission of
power?' To which we would argue - and this is the only claim we make
which might be called theoretical - that the network is the power. A
network of people who are, elsewhere, powerful, is per se a powerful
network." Through its network of private-sector spies and their
disinformation outlets, the Cercle complex could promote or denigrate
public figures not only in their own country, but throughout Europe
and America. Its activities during the Cold War - covert funding,
black propaganda, smear campaigns and, at least, connections to
planned coups d'état - were those of any intelligence agency, and, in
many ways, that is what the Cercle complex has been: the rogue agents
of the international Right.

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