Re: Unz spends weeks perusing the literature, Holocaust apparently not founded in fact - [PEACE]

Razer g2s at
Thu Sep 27 14:57:32 PDT 2018

Unz isn't really a Conservative site in the scumbag neoconnazi altright sense of the word. It archives all sorts of stuff.
Here. Hunter Thompson deconstructs the redlining of Lexington kentucky in the wake of the Civil Rights act, archived at unz. It's also in The Great Snark(sic) Hunt.
A Southern City with Northern Problems
by Hunter S. Thompson

The Reporter, December 19, 1963, pp. 26-29
What kind of good nazinationalistcon mag would retain a great article about how scumbags keep the 'boogies' away?
More Thompson
Ps. "Russia-Insider", unlike Sputnik, is published by an antisemitic US citizen within the US and has no inside, or insight, about anything Russian. 
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