Unz spends weeks perusing the literature, Holocaust apparently not? founded in fact - [PEACE]

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Fri Sep 28 16:08:27 PDT 2018

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 02:57:32PM -0700, Razer wrote:
> Unz isn't really a Conservative site in the scumbag neoconnazi altright sense of the word. It archives all sorts of stuff.
> Here. Hunter Thompson deconstructs the redlining of Lexington kentucky in the wake of the Civil Rights act, archived at unz. It's also in The Great Snark(sic) Hunt.
> A Southern City with Northern Problems
> by Hunter S. Thompson
> The Reporter, December 19, 1963, pp. 26-29 http://www.unz.com/print/Reporter-1963dec19-00026
> What kind of good nazinationalistcon mag would retain a great article about how scumbags keep the 'boogies' away?
> More Thompson http://www.unz.com/print/author/ThompsonHunterS/
> Ps. "Russia-Insider", unlike Sputnik, is published by an antisemitic US citizen within the US and has no inside, or insight, about anything Russian. 
> Rr
> null

"Antisemitic" has become little more than a derogatory ad-hominem
these days, used to disparage anyone who is nationalist - damned
ironic in the face of (nationalist) Zionist Israel, which is also
an aparteid state with a very long, very large wall!

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