busted memes - Jews NOT expelled 109 times [PEACE]

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Tue Sep 25 05:45:45 PDT 2018

Dang donchahateit when a meme gets busted - in this case the ole hope
for "one-ten and never again" (as in 109 countries to date), is
factually bloody false M8, as we'd say 'ere in Oz - the truth is that
we know of 359 expulsions since at least 733 B.C.

Oh well, meme easy come, meme easy go I guess. So sad.

Quite a stunning fact, really - you have to wonder that if u bin
kicked outta 359 countries, ain't that like "doing the same thing
over and over, and expecting a different outcome?"

P'rhaps, I dunno, may be a mirror could be in order?

Who knows…

I'd attach the pic but the full chart is ~1.8MiB:

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