of elephants and men, and scumbags

jamesd at echeque.com jamesd at echeque.com
Thu Nov 22 01:16:50 PST 2018

> > Corvee was typically one day a week working on the fields or some such.
> > Which is a lot less than I spend working for the government.

On 2018-11-22 18:11, juan wrote:
> 	One day a week of slavery? cool.

Way better than today's slavery.

>> The
>> ancient regime did not and could not send a generation off to Russia to die.

> 	oh, I'm sure there were no wars in the roman empire, in feudal europe and in monarchist europe 

No wars fought by conscript troops, nor any wars with the horrifying 
casualty rates typical of modern wars fought with expendable conscript 

>>> 	except hyperinflation in france existed in the 18th century (that is almost 100 years before the revolution)

>> There was the important difference that though John Law could inflate
>> away the paper money in your pocket, he did not and could not try to
>> force bakers to supply bread for worthless money, unlike Venezuela today
>> and unlike Revolutionary France.

> 	what the fuck are you talking about.

In Venezuela, and in Revolutionary France, the government enforces 
official maximum prices.

When goods are not available at these prices, which they never are, the 
government proceeds to punish whosoever formerly produced goods.

As a result, people went hungry in revolutionary France, and are going 
hungry in Venezuela.

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