Plebbit Jewtube Embark On Talmudic Censorship, CJOUD Act Warrantless Wiretap

My Borders My Choice muhjointsf at
Thu Mar 22 02:07:00 PDT 2018

> grarpamp grarpamp
> Thu Mar 22 01:48:21 PDT 2018

> USA = Shit.
I think you mean Jews = Shit.
The US is full of Germanic blood.
Jews hate the Germanic tribes.
Look what they did to Germany.
And Sweden.
And the UK.
Some commie faggot was just convicted of wrongspeak there.
> CJOUD (Clarifying Jewful Overseas Use of Data) Act
Private companies are responsible.
And their "paid" political stooges.
The people are responsible for not ushering in DOTR.
Excluding Jim Bell.

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