Paralelní Polis HCPP 2018: New Order

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Jun 13 14:17:21 PDT 2018

Hopefully they post audios / videos where possible of
all program for world to learn.

Official channel here

Small space sold out.

There may be speaker slots left...

About HCPP18 - New Order - 2018 10 05-07

All-out strong polarization. Repeating tension between collectivists
and individuals.
This time with a new difference: Crypto technologies. Liberating us.
Making us entirely responsible for all our decisions.

Decentralization, reputation systems, escrow services and
anonymization makes the world's economy more efficient.
The massive adoption of free crypto markets will not be the result of
people's need for freedom or privacy. It will be the result of their
natural individual preferences.

Collectivism is new slavery. Crypto-anarchists are new abolitionists.
Crypto technologies are new arms.

The natural order is the new order.





Paralelní Polis is a one-­of-­a-­kind nonprofit organization that
brings together art, social sciences, and modern technologies. The
ideas of liberty, independence, and innovative thinking and
development of society are the main underlying foundations the whole
project is built upon.

The project intends to remain state free as it operates entirely
without support from the government, and most of the funds come from
voluntary contributions of our donors and partly from commercial
activities such as running a unique co­working space and the world's
first bitcoin-­only cafe.

It was founded by members of a contemporary-­art group Ztohoven, and
Slovak and Czech hacker­spaces. Its main goal is to promote economic,
social and digital freedom. We try to be a vocal voice of freedom in
order to shape the public discourse, and ultimately work towards a
freer future.

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