[MINISTRY] [WAR] [JQ] 1947 England - most recent Jewish pogrom in Europe

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Tue Jun 5 18:06:27 PDT 2018

Read it and wonder at the amazing shifts we've seen over the last

** The Jewish Lobby's Big Campaign Against Polish Identity
by Israel Shamir The Unz Review (827 views) on Mon, Jun 4, 2018
PolandCountry in Europe Poland is an eastern European country on the
Baltic Sea known for its medieval architecture and Jewish heritage –
this is how Google characterises the land of proud Polacks. For a
Pole, this definition hurts more than the three partitions of his
country. Why do they stop at Poland?, he’d cry out. Why does Google
describe England like this?: EnglandCountry of the United Kingdom
England, birthplace of Shakespeare and The Beatles ... instead of
“England is a European country on an island in the North Sea, known
for its Jamaican Rastas”?

  The last anti-Jewish riot, or pogrom, in Europe took place in in
  England in 1947,
  not in Poland, and was caused not by some pathological, illogical,
  irrational hatred of the Other, but by the Jews’ heinous act: they
  murdered two English soldiers, hanged their bodies on a tree and
  booby-trapped these with a landmine. However, the Jews do not
  choose to recall those British riots, they are forever reciting
  Polish troubles.

  They said the Nazi concentration camps were built in Poland because
  Poles sympathised with the Nazi plans to eliminate the Jews. More
  and more often they referred to “Polish concentration camps”
  (instead of Nazi concentration camps in Poland), heavily implying
  Polish complicity in the Holocaust. The Poles responded to this
  salvo of abuse by passing a law forbidding anyone of accusing them
  of collaboration with the Nazis under penalty of imprisonment. The
  Jews were furious and called
  for knowingly breaking the law by shouting “Polish Holocaust!”. (It
  is worth watching this short video in order to feel their fury).

[Wow - compare that to Jewish push ensuring for the imprisonment of
88 year old grandmother Ursula Haverbeck was jailed in Germany for
“wrong think” — what a world.]

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