Govt economic advisor warns British defence planners that growth is ending... and it's not just the U.K.

juan juan.g71 at
Fri Jul 13 15:44:34 PDT 2018

On Fri, 13 Jul 2018 11:10:11 -0400
John Newman <jnn at> wrote:

> Of course, solar and wind power is great :)  Anything to stop burning
> more fucking carbon..

	burning carbon means combining it oxygen to get carbon dioxide. And carbon dioxide happens to be the feedstock from which plants grow. See those trees containing tons and tons of wood? All the wood was synthetized using CO2 from the air. In other words CO2 is great for plants and totally and completely 'green'.

	On the other hand, nuclear power is a military project and the toxic waste it generates a serious, unsolved problem as far as I know. 

	last but not least, what do americans and other so called 'developled' countries need more energy for, exactly? 

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