2018 Clusterfuck Forecast

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 00:08:04 PST 2018

> cryptocoin users could care less if there is no proven backing for the fiat they use

Fiats being dumped for cryptos... it's about time.

> https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/56ehi1/fractional_reserve_on_lightning_network/

BTC must both trace from and returnable to main chain, so any
"fractional reserve" scam in LN would be some downstream
bankers (hubs) issuing private shitcoin to retarded bagholders.

Some other cryptocurrency might offer FR money creation interest
lending etc but today's BTC consensus / code is not it.


> let us not talk of "enemies", let us say the guilty

What happens to enemies vs the guilty? Regardless of label,
when you don't want it coming back, ever, you have to kill it.

> precious

An adjective based on other factors.

> even physical government paper is better than cryptocurrencies

Depends on what's being compared.
And almost any physical is better than government paper.

Btw, bagholding...


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