Personal attacks etc (was Re: USA: National Security Strategy...)

jamesd at jamesd at
Tue Jan 2 13:36:02 PST 2018

On 1/2/2018 8:49 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>  Ben did
> probably not read James' messages and his personal attacks to me or 
> purposely ignored them

Pretty sure he did read my messages, which only personally attacked you 
by calling your personal attacks on me "projection".  "Social Justice 
Warriors always project."

You asserted that I was alone and unloved, something that people of my 
sex and my political leanings seldom experience, and people of your sex 
and your political leanings regularly experience, in part because our 
ideology tells us that "love your neighbor" means your actual neighbor, 
not hostile angry people in Africa, and that our duty to close kin is 
greater than our duty to friends, and our duty to friends exceeds our 
duty to far away strangers. (1 Timothy 5:16)

And those few of us males that suffer from it are seldom much troubled. 
Women need to be loved much more than men, and women, having a much 
shorter period of sexual attractiveness and fertility than men, 
frequently blow their one short chance.  Men are troubled by not getting 
their dicks wet, by lack of sex, not by lack of love. But if they 
neglect to use a condom, likely to wind up getting stuck with being loved.

For a man, love is in plentiful, indeed excessive, supply, particularly 
if he hates condoms, just as sex is in plentiful supply for women.  If a 
man who feels he needs love, he has plenty of time in which to find it, 
whereas a woman has only a short time in which to find it, and is apt to 
waste her time partying, getting an education, and building a career 
during that terribly brief period when she should be building a family.

Because of the social environment of social justice warriors, and 
because of the sexual misconduct valorized by social justice warriors, 
female social justice warriors regularly and routinely blow their one 
short chance by sleeping with men who do not call them back, and by 
cuckolding any man so foolish as to call them back, until they stop 
getting nine at night booty calls from Jeremy Meeks.

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