[SOUL COOKIE] Mediocre Manor, sacrifice, failure, success - living free, and some funk bass to boot

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Fri Feb 23 22:21:32 PST 2018

So, freedom, jah?

What is freedom for you?

 1. Write it.
 2. Create it and Live it.
 3. Share the vision.

Now or never fellow bozos...

One vision of paradise in Florida (may be get the music track further
below happening whilst your royal sovereign self has a little read :)

The Fancy Goat: How to Make Shit Happen

Oh yeah, some funky bass for those who require a little in-spi-ration.
Like, DAMN, dude‼

Ain't not no-one gonnah gibs it for u¡

Happy celebrating life, fellow souls,

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