
Razer g2s at riseup.net
Fri Aug 24 12:49:56 PDT 2018

Remember that hash?

[html follows]

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> September 17th, 2018:
> An online occupation
> We shut down big tech for a day
> How do we take on the largest and most corrupt corporate Goliaths to
> ever exist?
> In three steps:
> First, we sow the seeds of dissent on Twitter, on Instagram, on
> Zuckerberg’s own playground of Facebook...
> MEME 1: Boycott Bezos
> MEME 2: Does Google do evil?
> MEME 3: Does Mark Zuckerberg have Fascist tendencies?
> Then we zero in on Facebook and attack the platform from within:
> We change our profile photos to #OSV memes...
> We create a strange Google Search-Free Day...
> We cause an uncanny lull on amazon.com... refuse to buy anything from
> Bezos for a day...
> On September 17th, we unleash a one-day #FuckItAll flood of memes,
> posts, tweets, and statuses full of everything Silicon Valley wants to
> keep offline.
> Facebook makes me feel like shit
> We crash their servers, flood their feeds, disrupt their algorithms.
> Open the code motherfucker
> We expose Silicon Valley’s ugly underbelly, thrusting its fascist
> tendencies into the open for the whole world to see.
> let me get high one more time
> We take on Big Tech’s Orwellian overreach.
> Take back control of our lives and minds, on + offline...
> Flip the power balance...
> Make the Internet ours again
> Occupy Silicon Valley 2018
> On September 17th, seven years after we occupied Wall Street, be a
> part of history again...
> Join us in taking Big Tech down for a day...
> Spread the news like wildfire—slap these print-outs across big tech
> adverts, slip 'em into the textbooks of yesteryear and the coat
> pockets of the utterly unsuspecting. Splatter #OSV memes across the
> face of social media. Let's light a fire under the dormant activists
> and galvanize a global army.
> It's time to take back the internet.

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