German BND 2010: Tor Unsuitable

Agent Smith realgermansthinkth at
Thu Sep 21 14:30:00 PDT 2017

> grarpamp grarpamp at
> Thu Sep 21 08:25:14 PDT 2017
> global passive adversary

This isn't even a real fucking thing.  Niggers have to actively set up a
node, actively log traffic, and actively analyze the traffic.

They're also not "global" in any sense.

This terminology exemplifies a gross misunderstanding of how the fucking
internet works, not unlike the descriptor "overlay", and those who use
it and other nonsensical terminology, especially those on this list who
pretend to be cryptographers, are reducing the credibility of their
associated claims.

Subversion of language at its finest.

> "If your attacker can watch the traffic
> coming out of your computer,

Internet Service Provider

> and also the traffic arriving at your chosen
> destination,

Internet Service Provider

> he can use statistical analysis to discover
> that they are part of the same circuit.“

He ?

Only modern "Germans" would project patriarchy onto their "oppressor".
I am sure "he" is "white" and full of "hate", too.

I'll bet their assets began complaining about having to experience
wrongthink while in the work place and they assembled this fine piece of
shit as "proof".

P.S. Like Juan, I am Mexican.

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