More #$%& from #$%&#$ %&#$%&#$ Re: [ PFIR ] Netanyahu's son removes anti-Semitic meme from Facebook following outcry

Hollow Domer shediedfrombeingtoof at
Tue Sep 19 17:41:00 PDT 2017

> juan juan.g71 at
> Tue Sep 19 12:41:01 PDT 2017
> Where do you get the 'proper' length
> for copyright? The bible?

Not everyone has access to the teachings of Muhammad.

> british

You misspelled jewish.

> copyright is a typical MERCANTILISTIC device

What are the alternatives ?

> The political system based on nationalism

As it should be, though very few actually practice nationalism.
Your argument against boundaries is weak.
Does your body not have boundaries ?
What about your house ?
Or your Mosque ?

> your fucking american cesspool
> has been built on slavery.

This is true.  Welfare queens, miners, police, bankers; they are all the

The word 'Slave' comes from 'Slav', Caucasians who were purchased and
sold as property by your people, haramanon.

> Maybe I should add land theft on
> a continental scale.

>From who ?  The niggers that stole the land from the people who came
before them ?

You should learn some fucking American history.  Mayans migrated from
the Utah area and killed those living in the Yucatán to build their
"empire".  The Lakota migrated from Asia and killed every tribe they
encountered on their way East.  And the earliest records of humans on
the American continent **so far** are Norths People and Polynesians, the
original people, afaict.

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