Cypherpunk Inadequacies / Why the 60's failed

Razer g2s at
Mon Sep 4 08:00:24 PDT 2017

On 09/03/2017 04:34 PM, jim bell wrote:
> BZ (Quinuclidinyl Benzilate) is far easier to make than LSD, a dose
> typically 2 milligram compared to LSD's 200 microgram.   I've read
> that the 'trip' lasts 3 days.  

... says someone who never took STP. A 3 day peak and a total burn out.
BZ was intended to be an INCAPACITATING AGENT, not a psychotropic.
Everyone knew that by 1968 and very few people actually ever used it.


Ps. I have problems with MDMA as an 'analogue' to LSD. MDMA is
methamphetamine based and although it exhibits certain
psychedeic-experience-like properties, it's still Meth, and the long
term effect of it's use, if not as dramatic (usually), IS similar.

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