theocracy was Re: is looking for volunteers

\0xDynamite dreamingforward at
Mon Oct 30 18:09:18 PDT 2017

>> Sorry Marxos, it's one of the first rules of anarchists:
>>  ยค Religious precepts, doctrines and books Must NOT be used by
>>    anarchists, in ANY context!
> 	NEWSFLASH : The idea of an 'omnipotent authority' is the exact
> 	opposite of freedom.

Who said god was "omnipotent"?  Not GOD.  And the idea of having
authority over us kind of ended in the Old Testament.  You should
really examine your motifvations and authority over history and/or
"knowledge".  I mean, at some point Adam and Eve have to grow up in
the same way teenagers do.  Parents might try to hold authority over
them, but at some point the Apple wins.


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