japanese was - Re: jimbellproject.org is looking for volunteers

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 18:08:05 PDT 2017

Dear Juan, John, and all the people,

I took this picture when was returning to my home.  It is the most
recent graffiti in my neighborhood and is very nearby of me.  I live
in an Oriental District, so it's always cool to see all the kinds of
Oriental arts and references  (usually, Japanese tattoos being used as
graffiti)  in the streets.

#  https://imgur.com/gallery/AW050

I wish you all several tender hugs and kisses.  Take care, dear all!  <3


PS:  -  My best friends and like to annoy each other, Juan.  Guy, I
loved this video against some vegan clichés, hahaha!!!  This channel
is fuck_ng hilarious, hahaha!!!  ;D

#  https://youtu.be/z0O_VYcsIk8

I was at the hospital today and all the times I always ask the veggie
menu.  All the times, I receive chicken or fish, uff...  I tried to
explain that I am veggie a lot of times and they say that chicken and
fish are super healthy white meat, extremely good for me.  But it's
meat the same way, cazzo...  I tried to joke with my doctors saying
they were being racists  (why white meat? haha!!)  and they asked me
to eat like a *normal* person... I bet they are putting bacon and
sausages in my beans, that lovely band of traitors!  :(((

"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or
your curiosity.  It's your place in the world; it's your life.  Go on
and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."  -
 Mae Jemison

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