Fwd: Essential Reading: Trump, Russia, Facebook & Twitter

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 21:36:37 PDT 2017

On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 1:24 AM, jim bell <jdb10987 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> From: Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com>
>>PS:  -  If you like Telegram stickers, there is a recent "Edward
> Snowden pack" pretty cute.  One of the stickers says "From Russia with
> love" and shows him sending kisses, hihi...  <3

This is the Edward Snowden pack:


I should make a Jim Bell pack, but I don't draw so well to make a
sticker with your image sending kisses and saying "From Moscow With
Love!".  :)

You will travel a lot and will meet several interesting persons yet,
Jim.  I like to annoy you, but it's an honor to read your messages,
even when I have a completely opposite opinion.  Always will be, dear.
And you should write a book telling more about the crazy times:  the
past ones, the future ones and now.

Good night kisses, take care!  <3

> My trip to Prague was rather eventful.  Got to Toronto, needed to transfer
> to another flight to Prague.  Got out, went through Customs.  Red Flag!!!
> Canada doesn't like me, for my so-called "criminal record".   Rather than
> simply put me on the flight to Prague, they did the illogical thing and sent
> me to New York City, specifically LaGuardia.  Took a bus to JFK airport,
> then took a VERY long flight to...wait for it...MOSCOW!   And I don't mean
> Moscow Idaho.   Yes, Moscow Airport, Sheremetyevo.  (hope I spelled that
> right.   At least it's not in Cyrillic.).  (Cue the conspiracy theories that
> I've been replaced by a Russian clone, tovarisch!!!)
> Actually, I had a choice:  Go to Moscow or Turkey.  I chose Moscow.  Why?  I
> figured the Turkish government might want to do the US Government a favor by
> locking me up for a few days or weeks, etc.   At the same time, I was fairly
> sure that the Russian government WOULDN'T do the same type of favor.  And it
> turns out I was right.  A few hours in Moscow were extremely uneventful.  If
> they knew _I_ was there, I couldn't tell.  They even had a Burger King!!!
> Left on a 2-hour flight to Prague.   Sorta the modern equivalent of Lenin's
> "sealed railway train" back to Russia.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealed_train
> Someday, I'd like to visit various celebrities, perhaps Snowden, and maybe
> Assange in London.
>                Jim Bell

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