[Webinar] Decrypting the WannaCry ransomware: Why is it happening and (how) is it going to end?

John Newman jnn at synfin.org
Thu May 18 13:36:10 PDT 2017

> On May 18, 2017, at 1:32 PM, Steve Kinney <admin at pilobilus.net> wrote:
> On 05/17/2017 07:25 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
>>> The webinar tends to make an analysis of the main technological, geopolitical, legal, and economic
>>> aspects of the ransomware. Experts from different fields will discuss
>>> why ransomware has become a major issue: Can such attacks be prevented
>>> by technological measures alone? Is there a need for a legal response,
>>> such as Microsoft’s proposal for the Digital Geneva Convention? Is
>>> raising more awareness among users the ultimate solution?
>>> The webinar will discuss whether it is possible to put a stop to
>>> malicious software, or whether they should be considered the price we
>>> have to pay for the many advantages of the Internet. Choices on policy
>>> will have to be made sooner rather than later. The aim of the
>>> discussion is to explore and help make informed policy choices.
>>> -----
>>> Nancy Quiros
>>> Development Manager LAC Chapters
>> Thank you for the clarification, Nancy!  Very much appreciated!  <3
> *sigh*
> The question "Can such attacks be prevented by technological measures
> alone" has a very simple answer: Yes.  Just stop using Microsoft
> operating systems and the problem goes away.
> Microsoft could fix their horribly broken product any time, but they
> never will:  Maintaining the highest rates of failure, repair and
> replacement the market will bear creates a large revenue stream that
> would not otherwise exist.  Security failure is the best approach:
> Loyal Microsoft customers attribute the damage done to malicious third
> parties, and the process of repairing that damage creates a
> multi-million dollar bump in annual sales for Microsoft.
> There will always be "security issues" in networked computing.  But at
> least 95% of real world lost time and lost data incidents observed today
> have a single and easily remedied cause:  Microsoft.
> Mr. Miyagi say, "Best block is no be there."  In the case at hand,
> that's the only block that really works.  Microsoft security fail
> imposes either a large amount of busy work and extra costs on the user,
> or exposes the user to unacceptable risks.  That's a lose/lose
> situation, whether one is a Security Guru or clueless user.
> Now let's see who jumps in to defend Microsoft:  There's always somebody
> out there who believes that "stupid people get what they deserve" and
> makes a business model out of that.
> :o/

Microsoft is ALWAYS what causes problems during pentest season.. fucking pass-the-hash, llmnr, and other broken by design protocols that have been giving script kiddies the SAME pivot points (and entry points!) for nearly 20 years...


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