"All fossil-fuel vehicles will vanish in 8 years..."

Steven Schear schear.steve at gmail.com
Wed May 17 17:08:31 PDT 2017

If you want to see what many large cities will look like once driverless
cars become available to the upper 10% consider how traffic is often jammed
in Mumbai around popular entertainment and shopping areas as massive
numbers of cars of the wealthy continuously circle, driven by low-paid
chauffeurs. Why wait for your car to pick you up from a possibly distant
lot when it can be there much sooner from circling school of driverless

Warrant Canary creator

On May 17, 2017 4:47 PM, "Razer" <g2s at riseup.net> wrote:

> On 05/17/2017 11:25 AM, John Newman wrote:
> Kinda off-topic, but interesting.
> https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/17/05/16/1942252/all-fossil-fuel-vehicles-will-vanish-in-8-years-says-stanford-study
> http://business.financialpost.com/news/transportation/fossil-fuel-vehicles-will-vanish-in-8-years-in-twin-death-spiral-for-big-oil-and-big-autos-says-study-that-shocking-the-industry
> Stanford University economist Tony Seba forecasts in his new report that
> petrol or diesel cars, buses, or trucks will no longer be sold anywhere
> in the world within the next eight years. As a result, the
> transportation market will transition and switch entirely to
> electrification, "leading to a collapse of oil prices and the demise of
> the petroleum industry as we have known it for a century," reports
> Financial Post. From the report:
> Seba's premise is that people will stop driving altogether. They will
> switch en masse to self-drive electric vehicles (EVs) that are ten times
> cheaper to run than fossil-based cars, with a near-zero marginal cost of
> fuel and an expected lifespan of 1 million miles. Only nostalgics will
> cling to the old habit of car ownership. The rest will adapt to vehicles
> on demand. It will become harder to find a petrol station, spares, or
> anybody to fix the 2,000 moving parts that bedevil the internal
> combustion engine. Dealers will disappear by 2024. Cities will ban human
> drivers once the data confirms how dangerous they can be behind a wheel.
> This will spread to suburbs, and then beyond. There will be a "mass
> stranding of existing vehicles." The value of second-hard cars will
> plunge. You will have to pay to dispose of your old vehicle. It is a
> twin "death spiral" for big oil and big autos, with ugly implications
> for some big companies on the London Stock Exchange unless they adapt in
> time. The long-term price of crude will fall to $25 a barrel. Most forms
> of shale and deep-water drilling will no longer be viable. Assets will
> be stranded. Scotland will forfeit any North Sea bonanza. Russia, Saudi
> Arabia, Nigeria, and Venezuela will be in trouble.
> In eight years?
> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! Gasp! Hack COUGH CHOKE (regains composure)
> No.
> Not gonna happen.
> THere's massive capital and infrastructure tied up in the shitstem just
> the way it is, and thye people who profit from it like it just the way it
> is and they own the police, and the army and your government... Literally.
> http://auntieimperial.tumblr.com/post/85720026694 (Gilens and Page;
> Northwestern/Princeton)
> WTF paid for this? The same consultant my city paid to tell them to put
> the main branch of the public library at the city's bus station? (really...)
> But it begs the question; If driving is inevitable on any near horizon,
> what are people going to drive?
> Electric cars.
> Indirectly and less efficiently powered than simply burning oil as
> gasoline in cars.
> How are they going to get the electricity?
> Coal.
> https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/world/as-
> appetite-for-electricity-soars-the-world-keeps-turning-to-coal/1842/
> https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/electric-cars-and-
> the-coal-that-runs-them/2015/11/23/74869240-734b-11e5-ba14-
> 318f8e87a2fc_story.html
> If you want the cush lifestyle consumer crapitalism garners, lie to
> yourself as you say, in a prozac induced haze allowing for rationalization
> and denial ... "Buh bye planet." And your children should kill you while
> you sleep.
> ROTTERDAM — In this traffic-packed Dutch city, electric cars jostle for
> space at charging ­stations. The oldest exhaust-spewing vehicles will soon
> be banned from the city center. Thanks to generous tax incentives, the
> share of electric vehicles has grown faster in the Netherlands than in
> nearly any other country in the world.
> But behind the green growth is a filthy secret: In a nation famous for its
> windmills, electricity is coming from a far dirtier source. Three new
> coal-fired power plants, including two here on the Rotterdam harbor, are
> supplying much of the power to fuel the Netherlands’ electric-car boom.
> As the world tries to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and combat climate
> change, policymakers have pinned hopes on electric cars, whose range and
> convenience are quickly improving. Alongside the boom has come a surging
> demand for power to charge the vehicles, which can consume as much
> electricity in a single charge as the average refrigerator does in a month
> and a half.
> The global shift to electric cars has a clear climate benefit in regions
> that get most of their power from clean sources, such as California or
> Norway.
> And do note. California and Norway can only produce so much so-called
> 'clean energy' in any near-term future and the surge of demand will be met
> with electricity produced where you never have to see it, like "Four
> Corners" Arizona, but it still destroys the earth.
> Rr
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