[WAR] Duterte backs down "war on drugs" as "UN Special Rapporteur" Agnes Callamard surprise visits

Marina Brown catskillmarina at gmail.com
Sat May 6 19:19:41 PDT 2017

On 05/06/2017 10:06 PM, Mirimir wrote:
> On 05/06/2017 03:26 AM, John Newman wrote:
>>> On May 6, 2017, at 6:39 AM, [some asshole] wrote:
>>> Probably shoulda CCed the list.
>>> Our middle "Western" ground of "The War on Drugs" is an absolute,
>>> utter failure, if your intention is to reduce drug use and remove the
>>> incentives from the drug market.
>>> If your intention is to maximise profits, and create as many problems
>>> in society as possible so that people stay focused on shit, and don't
>>> have time nor energy to unite behind real problems, like almost
>>> completely undemocractic governments, extensive corporate violations
>>> of our humans rights, and the private banks, then The War on Drugs is
>>> the greatest invention since sliced bread.
>>> From this narrow perspective, almost ANYthing is better than the War
>>> On Drugs - whether the extreme of Duterte, or the liberal "sanity" as
>>> some view it of treating adults as adults, rather than treating all
>>> of society as children, and allowing individual humans to do as they
>>> choose, with regards to their own bodies (more below).
>> Wrong, WRONG you goddamn hypocrite. The extreme of Duterte is NOT
>> better than the "war on drugs", it's merely the logical extension of
>> the entire absurdity, taken to a fucking horrific level. 
> Obviously.
>> Obviously you understand drugs prohibition is an absurd outrage on
>> human freedom and the cause of all the violence associated with
>> "trafficking", as well as nearly all the problems associated with
>> addiction, and everything that this spills down into. Why are you
>> such an unabashed apologist for authoritarians? 
> In a word, lulz :)
> <SNIP]

Duterte is a disgrace. I would have loved to have visited the home
of my anscestors but now while that homicidal tyrant and his followers
are still in power.

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