US Trump Budget: Kills Science, Plumps Military/DHS, Sinks US Prospects Further

juan juan.g71 at
Fri Mar 17 17:29:58 PDT 2017

On Sat, 18 Mar 2017 10:17:28 +1000
"James A. Donald" <jamesd at> wrote:

> This budget does not defund science. 

	you mean 'science' (or government pseudo science) and no, of
	course it doesn't.

> It does not defund the poor.
	the americunt government-oligarchy is obviosly based on buying
	votes. They can't stop paying their 'poor' clients.

	 trump is nothing abut an americunt fascist who is only going
	 to make the state even bigger. 

> It defunds the left -

	stupid lie - then again, the only thing that donald really does
	well is lying. But no, let me correct that. His lies are very
	stupid. He's not a good liar, he's just a prolific liar. 

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