Zen - A globally accessible and anonymous blockchain

Joshua joshua2014 at protonmail.ch
Thu Mar 9 13:52:37 PST 2017

Hey folks,

I just wanted to take some time out of my day to shill my current project out to you all. Currently none of the cryptocurrency networks in existence are end-to-end encrypted and I'm working on resolving that. I'm prepping for the day the great firewall of China sees cryptocurrency as a threat. This new platform will be built from Zclassic/Zcash and transmissions will be secured with zero-knowledge proofs.

And if you're looking for a place to store some data permanently and in a distributed manner (that nobody can erase from history), then boy do I have a project for you!

Check it out! https://zencash.io/


Sent from [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.ch), encrypted email based in Switzerland.
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