Fully FOSS Tails-like OS

Spencer spencerone at openmailbox.org
Thu Mar 9 12:36:09 PST 2017


I will use this list since I cannot lurk your list at:

> parazyd:
> I wanted to announce heads (https://heads.dyne.org)

Sweet!  I was just fudging Alpine to be Tails-like but this is less work 
for me!!!

> basic workflow concepts from Tails

What do you mean by "workflow"?

> a few quirks of its own.

Some thoughts/questions:

+ dd to USB stick was smooth.
+ Boot log being visible provides system boot status, which is nice.
+ Why is there a login of 'luther'?
+ User specified administrative account passphrase, and option to have 
no account at all.
+ Heads provided passphrase did not grant root.  sudo fails.
+ Mate did not load.  I guessed at 'startmate'.

I have more thoughts but I will keep playing with it.  Thanks!


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