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\0xDynamite dreamingforward at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 09:11:56 PDT 2017

>> No, that is not true.  Capitalism, as an economic method, is devoid of
>> power absent that given strictly by "law of supply and demand".  The
>> current capitalism you see today is a result of conquest and
>> usurptation of massive amounts of unearned labor in the form of fossil
>> fuel and nuclear energy.
> More accurately, what we have today isn't capitalism but corporatism.

More accurately, yes.

> Someone who had a glimmer of a clue once said something along the
> lines of: "Capitalism follows the logic of the cancer cell".

Exactly:  growth for no purpose but MORE growth.

>  Corporatism is the proper target
> - eliminate the laws and practices that enable corporations, and
> especially those that shield them (and their owners) from liability
> and responsibility, and we'd be much better off.

Careful.  Who funds the operations of corporations?  The fact is that
the American people are a bunch of freetards who have never taken
control of thier own government beyond checking a box ONCE every FOUR


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