Do you have predictions about 2017?

juan juan.g71 at
Mon Jan 9 13:57:04 PST 2017

On Tue, 10 Jan 2017 07:40:12 +1000
"James A. Donald" <jamesd at> wrote:

> > On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 14:38:54 -0800
> > Razer <g2s at> wrote:
> >> The footage speaks for itself.
> On 1/9/2017 8:44 AM, juan wrote:
> > 	Indeed. It clearly shows a building falling on its footprint
> Liar
> what you are =)

	As to the rest of your message, I already addressed the point
	two times. But I'll do it again...

> Because WTC 7 was falling sideways before it fell downwards, it did
> not fall on its own footprint.
> The building was falling apart, piece by piece, in an irregular and 
> uneven fashion, until it finally collapsed downwards all at once
> First the fuel tank fell down demolishing much of the building's
> interior.

	Oh really? The fuel tank "demolished the building"? Perhaps
	it had some help from giant mutant rats that crawled out of
	manhattan mud? 

	Anyway, the collapse of the roof is indeed, again, mostly
	symmetrical. You can clearly see a dent in the MIDDLE of the
	roof. Which happens to be another characteristical feature of

> Then a while after that, quite a while after that, the roof buckles. 
> With the roof losing rigidity, there is nothing to stop the building 
> from leaning to one side.  

	Indeed BOTH (shorter) sides of the building lean INWARDS A FEW
	DEGREES, and that's what controlled demolition is all about.

	Aa I already mentioned 2 times, and I'll mention again, WTC7 is
	an especially clean example of controlled demolition. 

	Compare to other buildings blown up here and report back.

        staring at  13:20


> It proceeds to lean to one side, very
> slowly at first, then faster and faster, like a tree falling over,
> then collapses downwards all at once, no longer like a tree but like
> a building.
> Yes, the final fall, collapsing downwards all at once is just like a 
> controlled demolition -

	And so is the onset of the collapse. Also, it is painfully
	obvious that tens of thousands of tons of steel and the
	rest of the building can't fall at free fall speed unless
	columns are cut AT REGULAR INTERVALS.

> but the half hour leading up to that was
> things falling apart in a way totally unlike controlled demolition,
> and the few seconds leading up to collapsing downwards all at once
> was the building falling to one side, the complete opposite of a
> symmetric collapse.

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