Trump will NEVER turn America into a White nation!

James A. Donald jamesd at
Tue Jan 31 00:45:55 PST 2017

On 1/31/2017 12:29 PM, Razer wrote:
> The reason
> Trump is even ABLE to purport a rationale for the immigrant ban is
> because HILLARY CLINTON facilitated the destruction of Libya, and
> attempted to do the same to Syria.
> Trump's Executive Order rests on laws and codes that Obama put in place.

Trump's executive order on Muslim migrants is Obama's 2011 order on 
steroids, and his list of countries that are problem sources of 
terrorism is Obama's list of countries that are problem sources of 
terrorism entirely unchanged.

That the entire world is going batshit insane over Trump's order, while 
no one noticed Obama's order is not because there is any huge difference 
between the orders, but Trump Derangement Syndrome.

When the Democrats repealed filibuster, and Obama abused the power to 
issue executive orders, Republicans said "Hey, it is going to be our 
turn next."

And now it is Trump's turn.

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