"declare antifa illegal/terrorist" petition

Waffles waffles at
Sun Feb 5 15:15:42 PST 2017

> "jim bell" <jdb10987 at>
> It's hard to grasp what the "anti-fascists" are actually opposed to.

The "fa" in antifa stands for 'First Amendment', hence all of the anti 
speech crying.

> Anybody they don't like at the moment becomes a "fascist".

"Nazi" is the word they use.

They want you to think of Hitler instead of Stalin, since they are 
trying to hide their pro-communist, vegan agenda.

They think this is Bolshevik Revolution.

> inconsistency in meaning

The tactic is to accuse others of what they themselves do; the 
inconsistancy a result.

The just will always be seen as unjust.


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